As we go through life we put things aside for another time. How many of you have boxes of “stuff” that have been stowed away in a basement, attic, closet or your computers hard drive?

If you are like us you may have a hard time throwing things away. After all we may need it down the road. That philosophy has led to my boxes of fabric, Scott’s hardware store and our thousands of photos.

Sometimes you need to step away from everything and start tackling the “stuff” a little at a time. There are times in your life that you may find some extra time. March 2020 gave us all a lot of extra time since we were stuck at home due to the pandemic. I remember I spent time organizing my house thanks to Netflix series "Tidying up with Marie Kondo". My closets and dressers never looked so good. I am happy to say that my dresser drawers have remained looking as good today as they did three
years ago.

Scott and I have taken a step back in time over this past month by stepping away from technology. We are lucky enough to have a cabin in the woods where we have retreated with some of our “stuff”.
I have been stitching together pieces of cloth and turning them into quilts for the cabin while Scott has been clearing our computer files and photos while stitching together our history. During this time we are also stitching together plans for our next big adventure. We celebrated our 35th wedding anniversary last month and to celebrate we are planning a big road trip. Be sure to keep up with us on our YouTube channel and find out “Where in the nation are Scott and Melissa?”
We hope that you can find a few minutes a day to stitch together some scraps in your life and turn it into something useful. After all we keep things for a reason...right? We would love to hear about your projects.
